Sunday 25 January 2015

Top 20 Books | The Countdown

This week I am going to commence something I’ve wanted to start for a withstanding amount of time. I love to read books, anyone who knows me will know that’s fact; as I often walk around reading (to the annoyance of my friends). However sometimes I find it hard to find books with plots that catch my eye, as I am fond of so many different genres. Subsequently, I spend a lot of time on sites such as and amazon; looking for suggestions.

So, as a guide to all of you - like me - scouring the internet for best reads and recommendations, I am going to compress my whole collection into a countdown of my top 20 books, as a judgement on the text. Critically acclaimed books always draw me in because they must be well reviewed for a reason, on the other hand, there may be books popping up which are not so well known and agreed on. 

If you have similar favourites, further interest or outright disapproval of my choices leave a comment and I’ll be happy to respond. I hope this advice will compel to immerse readers into some of my personally best beloved books. Stay tuned.

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